The club run three long distance passage races each summer which are open to local and visiting boats with a CYCA handicap available.

We encourage our members to meet with other local clubs in Kyle, Plockton and Gairloch and enter their races.

If there is sufficient interest and the weather is suitable, we aim to run a weekly evening "round the cans" series of handicap races in Portree bay starting in late May.

Additionally, the Skye Sailing Club run a handicap race for local keelboats, visiting keelboats and dayboats on behalf of the Skye Games the day before the Highland Games each year.

Notices of race and general race instructions will be put onto the Skye Sailing Club Facebook prior to each race. If you wish to be on the Skye and adjacent mainland Keel boat owners mailing list, please let us know. Race information will then be sent directly to interested yacht owners.

The dates of the principal races are shown on the club calendar.

The club will run each race on the date given in the calendar unless the coastguard advises exceptionally severe weather.

It is for each skipper to decide whether to sail in the prevailing weather on the day or not.

Midsummer Minch

Midsummer in the Minch

This passage race should appeal to keel boats of all sizes. The format will be a weekend sail to Gairloch which may vary from year to year. It might include an overnight sail via the Shiant islands to finish in Gairloch. Alternatively it may be a more relaxed evening sail to Rona for an overnight stay, followed by the regatta in Gairloch on Saturday and Sunday.
Competing boats will return to Portree or their home port in Skye on Sunday.

The Kyles Cup

The Kyles Cup

A race from Portree to Kyle of Lochalsh one year and Kyle of Lochalsh to Portree the following year. Each club will run a feeder and a return race. The course will be set based on the conditions prevailing at the time with passage distances ranging from 20 to 35 nautical miles. The feeder and return day results will not be aggregated the winners of each will receive a bottle of whisky. The cup will be for a one-way race.

Vice Admirals Cup

Vice Admiral's Cup

The Vice Admirals Cup is held on the Tuesday immediately before the Highland Games. A CYCA handicap race for local keel boats, visiting keelboats and dayboats within Portree Harbour as part of the Skye Games week.
The race provides a spectacular display for visitors to Portree. If the weather permits there may be up to three races around the bouys in Portree harbour. All the results will count. The trophy presentation will be on Games day.

Round Raasay

Round Raasay Race

The Round Raasay Race is a pursuit race for yachts and dayboats around Raasay. The Round Raasay is a challenging event based upon an imagined eight-hour passage for a boat with a rating of 25 CYCA. The start and the finish will be in Portree. Individual start times will be calculated for each entered yacht so the fleet should finish close to one another.
The course and the format of the race may change depending on the weather.



The club offers many water based activities to the Isle of Skye community.

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The club calendar lists out all the club events and courses.

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We are a Royal Yachting Association affiliated Club and Training Centre.

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