Our planned sailing calendar for summer 2024.
Dinghy Sailing
Mast Up
Saturday 13th April (12pm)
Instructor Training
Saturday 20th April (9am)
Volunteer Training
Saturday 27th April (10am)
Club Nights (6.30pm - 8.30pm)
Start 30th April until 12th September
Tuesday - Adults (16+)
Wednesday - Cadets (RYA Stage 1 & 2)
Thursday - Cadets (RYA Stage 3+)
Push the boat out | Open Day
Saturday 11th May (from 10am)
Adult Beginner Course
8th & 9th June (full days)
Adult Sailing Support
4 sessions of extra coaching for free (6.30pm)
11th June, 18th June, 25th June, 2nd July
Primary 7 Tasters
17th - 21st June
Adult Beginner Course
29th & 30th June (full days)
Sail Away Raasay BBQ
Stage 3+ & Adults 6th July
Summer Sailing School | Week 1
1st July
Summer Sailing School | Week 2
8th July
Summer Sailing School | Week 3
15th July
Club Dinghy Regatta
Saturday 20th July Stage 3+ & Adults
Advanced Youth Course
24th July
Summer Sailing School | Week 4
29st July
Open Dinghy Regatta
Saturday 3rd August Stage 3+ & Adults
Summer Sailing School | Week 5
5th August
Summer Sailing School | Week 6
12th August
Saturday Sessions
Saturday 2pm | Stage 3+ & Adults
14th September
21st September
28th September
Windsurf Beginners Course
Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th June | Age 12+
Windsurf Sessions
Saturday 2pm | Age 12+
13th July
27th July
10th August
24th August
7th September
14th September
21st September
28th September
Keel Boats
MidSummer In The Minch
22th - 23rd June
The Kyles Cup
20th July
Vice Admirals Cup
5th August
Round Raasay Race
10th August
RYA Powerboat Level 2
4th & 5th May
1st & 2nd June
RYA Safety Boat
Youth Powerboating
Experience Days
22nd July
23rd July
All participants in club activates must be a member of the club. Join online now.
Courses and club sessions must be booked online and the fee paid to reserve you place.
Note: You must login with an active membership account to book.
If a sailing session is cancelled for any reason (normally weather) then notice will be posted on the club facebook page with at least one hour prior to the start time. If cancelled a full refund will be made.